Mac Gearailt, Mícheál

Biographical Note

Mac Gearailt (Fitzgerald, Icearailt), Mícheál (Míhál, Michael, Maidhc Pheats) (c.1892-1941). He was born in Dunquin, county Kerry, around 1892. He was the eldest of ten children (eight surviving) of Peats Icearailt/Patrick Fitzgerald, farmer and fisherman, and Mary Fitzgerald. He received no formal education. He was living with his family in Coumeenoule in Dunquin for the censuses of 1901 [] and 1911 []. He was a farmer and fisherman and, according to a piece written by Seosamh Ó Dála in September 1944, he was also a stonemason as a young man. According to the same piece, he was a telented dancer and musician. He appears not to have married. He was taken ill in January 1941 and died in hospital a few days later, aged 50. A good deal of folkloric material collected from him is housed in the National Folklore Collection, UCD, including Seosamh Dála’s account of Mícheál Mac Gearailt.

Personal Details Form ('Personalbogen')

Personalbogen Personalbogen

A personal details form (‘Personalbogen’) was completed for each speaker at the Doegen Scheme recording sessions 1928-31. The information displayed below is derived mainly from these forms.

Personalbogen form(s) for this speaker (RIA Library ref.)Doegen P-B/54, Doegen P-B/55
Record number(s) for this speakerLA 1085, LA 1086
Track title(s) for this speakerFionn agus an fear gorm - Mícheál Mac Gearailt
An bheirt iascairithe agus Dónall Ó Conaill - Mícheál Mac Gearailt
Coigilt na tine - Mícheál Mac Gearailt
Na coiscéimí - Mícheál Mac Gearailt
Track ID(s) for this speaker (User Version)LA_1085d1, LA_1086d1, LA_1086d2, LA_1086d3
Forename(s) (Canonical)Mícheál
Surname (Canonical)Mac Gearailt
Alias forename(s)


Alias surname(s)

No data.

County of originCo. Kerry
AddressDunquin, Dingle, Co. Kerry
Date of birth No data
Place of birthDunquin, Co. Kerry
Nearest big town to place of birthDingle, Co. Kerry
Place(s) lived age 0-6Dunquin, Co. Kerry
Place(s) lived age 7-20Dunquin, Co. Kerry
Place(s) lived from age 20Dunquin and neighbouring parishes.
EducationNo formal education
Father's home placeDunquin, Co. Kerry
Mother's home placenear Dunquin, Co. Kerry
Father's professionFarmer and fisherman
Mother tongueIrish
Languages spoken other than IrishNone
Able to read?No
Able to write?No
Able to play a musical instrument?No
Able to sing or play modern European kinds of music?No
ProfessionFarmer and fisherman
Names (of RIA committee members, recordist) appearing on formOsborn Bergin, Wilhelm Doegen, Tomás Ó Rathile
Comment(s) on voice etc."[mhe?]/ha mit weich, gering nasalierend[em] Einschlag, mittlere Stimmkraft, sehr schnelles Tempo. mittlere stimml[ose] Konsonanz." (Wilhelm Doegen)